Fog, Smog, Blog…

I’m writing again! A warm welcome to every person that visits this site. I hope that what you find here amuses you, offers a new perspective or simply reinforces something that you already know. I started this site nearly a year ago and allowed fear to paralyze me by constantly wondering if I had any ideas that were worthy of being written or even scarier, worthy of being READ. YIKES! It took many hours of meditation, side-eyeing this computer, starting/stopping and more meditating until finally it hit me (like a brick to the pinky toe) that of course I have something to offer, everyone has something to offer! It took me long enough to accept that truth and now here I am, sharing thoughts with like-minded beings.

I am extremely excited to share my perspective on life, dating, the journey to self-love and why the cartoons from my childhood are still the best. LOL Enjoy!

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