The Shedding

I stuck around too long.
I seem to do that when I care.
I lingered around and you kept coming back because you knew that I was waiting there.

A strong hold you had on me. I told you this repeatedly. Be careful with me, I’d whisper as you ran about recklessly.
Bittersweet comes to mind when I think of you and I imagine it’s the same when you think of me too.
Two souls that met, I wanted ît to be sublime, but we connected only for several moments and not a lifetime.
I learned, I loved. I lingered. I left
I do wonder though if departuring rendered you bereft.

Memories of our last interaction tells me the answer is no. Regardless of how much I want to believe that my heart was not the only to grieve.
Our time, for me, was painful bliss. But only a forlorn romantic would describe it as this.
As dismal as this seems. the fact is that I grew. I have grown so much that my before is unrecognizable after you.

So yes, I stuck around far too long, this much is true but the wisdom I have gained would not be so if I’d prematurely left you.💛

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